Mr. Goldstick has published two books, which are described and available for purchase.


Business RX: How To Get In
The Black & Stay There

by Gary Goldstick

“Business RX gives you solid information on the causes of failure, and a good dose of how to take positive action that can heal a troubled company. Along the way, Goldstick offers a few valuable insights."
Success Magazine

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Romancing the Business Loan:
Getting Your Banker to say “YES” in the 90’s

by Gary Goldstick

"Gary offers new insights on developing a good relationship with bankers. His real life examples will prove informative to any reader who is trying to secure a business loan."
Rayburn S. Dezember,
Former Chairman, American National Bank

"Goldstick, the president of a crisis management firm in Bakersfield, explains the loan process in great detail and offers business owners practical hints along the way. In addition to providing a list of typical due diligence questions, he excerpts modern literature and stage plays to make his points. 'Most entrepreneurs don't have the financial literacy to talk about their business from the perspective the banker wants to see,' Goldstick said in an interview. 'Many times the business is financeable, but the entrepreneur doesn't know how to structure the loan package."
Jane Applegate
LA Times

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G.H. Goldstick is a Certified Management Consultant, has focused his 21-year consulting career on enhancing shareholder value for troubled and transitioning companies. He has successfully turned around, restructured, revitalized and liquidated over 300 businesses.
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The Business Health Index is a self-testing instrument that will provide a business owner a general diagnosis of the company's health.
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